
Yoga Outside

Ah, this is a post I've been meaning to write all summer long! I love teaching outside and try to do it as much as possible. As soon as the sun starts shining, I try to hold as many classes as I can in the beautiful outdoors. 

What could be better then using a real tree to help us focus for tree pose? or even using its trunk to lean on? 


I love hearing the sounds of nature around us as we stretch and fly and breathe. 

The kids seem to love it- as long as it's not too hot! I try to find a nice shady spot (especially since this summer has been super hot and I'm super pregnant!). 

The best part is relaxation before the eye pillows. I love having the kids look up at the sky and notice what they see. 
Clouds, tree leaves, birds, or is it just bright blue? 
We still have plenty of time left, take your yoga outdoors if you can!!

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