
Lead The Change

Next June I will be traveling to Nairobi, Kenya with a group of yogis to do work that is very dear to my heart. This group I am now involved with is spearheaded by Jodi Komitor of Next Generation Yoga. Jodi trained me 9 years ago to teach yoga to children and has continued to be my friend and mentor. When she said she was taking a team to Kenya to share yoga with children, I immediately knew this was something I had to be a part of. 

Team Next Generation Yoga is committed to working with an organization called the Africa Yoga Project. The mission of the Africa Yoga Project is to “use the transformative power of yoga to empower communities and change lives.” Presently, they have over 50 teachers, between the ages of 16-30, who have studied with and been trained by the well-regarded master yoga teacher: Baron Baptiste. AYP Teachers teach over 200 free yoga classes per week in communities, and reach 5,000+ disadvantaged Kenyans in the slums of Nairobi. Amazingly, AYP Teachers now share their passion and purpose and earn an income teaching yoga because of fundraised money.

AYP Teachers presently share yoga with the children of the slums, orphanages, and schools, yet they have no formal training for how to teach yoga to kids. This is where I will help Jodi lead the change. I feel honored and privileged to be a part of Team Next Generation Yoga for the Africa Yoga Project. 

I will be holding various fundraisers in order to raise the $6000 I need to pay for my accommodations, meals, training expenses and cost of teaching classes while we are there. If you want to donate, you can do so at my page here (scroll to the bottom and click donate now). Or, you can join me in one of my donation based family yoga classes at Your Community Yoga Center in the coming months. 

My husband Chris, who is the roaster of Bean & Leaf coffee, will be creating a special edition African blend that will also support this cause. These bags will be available for purchase soon! I will also be putting together a fundraising event in the next few months, so stay tuned! There are so many ways to get involved - and every little bit helps. 

Amani (peace in Nairobi) & Namaste,

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