
Celebrating Mom

 At Alphabet Academy, one of the preschools I teach at, we decided to celebrate our mom's in a really fun way. The preschool hosted 3 mommy and me yoga classes with tea and cookies to follow. It was a blast! 

I loved getting to meet the parents and sharing with them what I do with their children every week. When I teach in preschools, I so rarely meet the parents. This was a perfect way to do that!  

We started the class with a partner back to back breathing exercise. It helped to calm us, as well as connect with our partner.

Next we used our suns to do a warm up sun salutation.  We touch our body parts with the sun as a way to focus and warm up our bodies!
This class was perfect for partner poses! 
We practiced our partner trees


partner butterflies

partner boat

partner candle.

We ended the class with a relaxation that everyone seemed to love. 

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