
Superhero School Yoga

This class has evolved in the most incredibly fun way. I started off with a few superhero poses, and it ended up that we went to superhero school to learn to become superheroes. The kids have been LOVING it. 

I even had a teacher text me this later in the day- "Just wanted you to know that the superhero yoga this morning had a profound affect on my day. On my break I witnessed a car accident and then put out a fire at starbucks."  

Superhero School for Yogis Lesson

I start by telling the kids we are going to school to learn to be superheros. I ask "what do you know about superheros?"
They save the day! They have super powers! They wear costumes! I love all the answers the kids give me. In order for us to learn to be a superhero, we need to learn to breathe like one. 

1) Superhero breaths: I ask for names of specific superheros. We do special breaths for Batman, Spiderman, Wonder Woman & The Hulk. I've made some up on the spot some breathing exercises for various other ones.  

Batman: Inhale arms out to the side (as if they were your wings, and lift one knee. Exhale arms together and lower knee.

Spiderman: Make spiderman web fingers, inhale arms and hands to your side, and exhale and spin the web out in front of you. 
Superman: Inhale arms down, exhale and bring them out in front of you as if you were flying. 

Hulk: Inhale arms up to the sky, exhale arms down in a muscle while bending your knees.        
Wonder Woman: Use one hand up in the air and inhale as you spin your lasso. Exhale and throw that lasso out in front of you. 

2) Plank: Superheros need to be strong. Let's do a plank pose to build some strength. Let's see how strong we are by trying to lift a car! Start in a squat, bring hands up overhead and pretend to lift a car with all your might!

3) Donkey kicks: Another strength building pose is kicking our legs up 3 times! Then we pretend to lift a house or even the school! 

4) Half Moon: Superheros need to learn how to fly. We can practice with half moon pose. Start in warrior 2, bring one hand down to the floor and try to lift the back leg up. 

5) Warrior 3 (Airplane): Let's see if our practice of flying really helps us to fly! We lift one leg back and open our wings to the side. Tie on your cape, let's take off! Let the kids fly like Superman around the room. 

6) Flying: Land on bellies on your mat. See if you can fly while lying on the floor. Lift arms and legs with an inhale. Come down on an exhale. Take a rest!

7) Superhero pose: Let each kid make up their own superhero pose that we each copy and name it! 

8) Superhero affirmations: We do warrior 1, 2, peaceful warrior and warrior 3 with our affirmations for each- "I am brave, I am strong, I am peaceful, I am a superhero!" 

Here is a SUPER awesome video to go with these affirmations!

How are you a superhero? Have you done superhero yoga? What other ideas can you use for this class? 

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