
Dinosaur Yoga

I am the mom to a 4 year old boy, which means my whole life revolves around dinosaurs right now. I have to read at least 3 dino books every night- some are stories but most are fact books. I'm learning A LOT but I'm also finding them to be even more incredibly fascinating then ever. 

Zephyr's class is now studying about dinos because the kids have shown such an interest. I'm proud to say that Zephyr is teaching his friends so many facts! It's pretty cute. When I went in to do yoga the other day, I figured it was time to do my dinosaur yoga class. I tweaked it a bit and it really turned out to be pretty fun. I ended up teaching it about 8 more times since then!

I'm trying something new- I have included a video featuring the kids from Alphabet Academy here in Hamden, CT doing the dinosaur breath. Enjoy! 

Dinosaur Yoga Sequence:

1) Breathing Ball breath: We need to calm ourselves before heading out to see the dinosaurs! They can be very scary so it's important we know to make our bodies calm when we need to. 

2) Warrior 3: We need to fly back in time at least 65 million years. We balance in our warrior 3 pose, then we fly backwards around the circle. Switch sides. 

3)Mountain/Volcano: We have arrived! Does anyone notice what the land looks like? There are lots of mountains and volcanos. Reach up to the sky saying "mountain!" Rub hands together and jump arms and legs out with a loud "vooollllcano!" Do this pose 3x. 

4) We are the Dinosaurs: Get your binoculars and look around- does anyone see any dinos yet? Play the song We are the Dinosaurs by Laurie Berkner and act it out! Act like a dino who walks on 2 legs, then 4 legs, then maybe a flying dino (really a flying reptile!)

5) Tree Pose: Ask the kids- "What do dinosaurs eat?" They will tell you- some were plant eaters and some were meat eaters. Do a tree pose for those long necked plant eaters. I divided the group in 2, one became the long necks eating the leaves from the trees, the other stood in tree pose. Then switch. 

6) Table Pose: On hands and knees, we think about the dinos who walk on four legs who have a tail with spikes and clubs on the end. We swing our leg side to side as if it was our tails. 

7) Child's Pose: Imagine you are a baby dino in an egg. Rock side to side until your baby dinosaur hatches out! 

8) Dinosaur Breath: Stand on one knee, inhaling and scrunching everything (as in lion's breath) and then exhale leaning forward with a big "ahhhhhhh." do 2x on each side. 

9) Dinosaur Pose: The students get to pick their favorite dinosaur and make up their own pose! 

10) Happy (dinosaur) Baby Pose: Hold on to feet and rock side to side as if you were a happy dino baby. 

11) Relaxation: Imagine you were relaxing like a dinosaur. Think about which dino you are, and how that dino would relax. See if you can be as still, calm, peaceful and quiet as a sleeping dinosaur. 

Have you taught a dinosaur yoga class? What other poses could we do? 

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