
Winter Warmer Sequence

Hi Everyone!

As promised, I'm going to share with you a sequence I've been doing these last few weeks with the kids to help warm them up on these really cold winter days. It's been so cold over here on the East Coast so it's fun to teach kids ways to warm up naturally. These poses will be perfect for our first winter storm this weekend!

Winter Warmer Yoga Poses

Start by rubbing your hands together really fast to create warmth.

Then put them over your eyes without touching them to feel the natural warmth over your face helping to warm you all over. 

Mountain and volcano is such a great way to warm us up and get out a little extra energy. Start in mountain with your hands touching over your heads. Rub hands together and with a loud "vollllllcano!" jump the legs and arms out in star pose. Jump the legs and arms back into place and do it again! We like to do this 3x for extra heat. 

Dragon is an awesome breathing exercise that generates heat. We come down to one knee, bring your arms to your sides and with a big loud "haaaaaaaa" (hot breath), lean forward bringing your arms forward and make a fire right in front of you with that hot dragon's breath. Do this 3x on each side!

Sun breath really gets the heat moving through the body. Lift that sunshine over your head and with a loud "HOT" sound, bring the sun down to your belly. 

I hope you enjoy doing these poses to keep you warm on a cold winter day!

Have a great weekend! Enjoy the snow east coasters!

Amani & Namaste,

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