
I am Patient...I am Kind

These are 2 of my new affirmation/mantras I've been using while on my 40 day meditation challenge. My friend Giselle of Kids Yoga Stories shared her own 40 day meditation challenge last year and I decided to start my own. I'm on day 25 which I almost can't believe because of how many times in my life I've tried to incorporate meditation into my daily life. It's never stuck and I hadn't found something that works with me until now. I've dabbled, but never have done 25 days straight! I've read that it takes 40 days of doing something to form a habit and I'm a believer! After 25 days of this, I can't imagine my morning without it. 

I read 2 really great articles about meditating with a mala and you can find them here and here. 

I had a beautiful mala I bought years ago and decided to start using it to help me meditate. While the pink was soothing and symbolized fertility (I bought it when I was trying to get pregnant with Zephyr) I just don't feel that connected to it. I decided that as a self proclaimed "diy-er" I would learn to make my own mala. Something that personal would make me want to use it every morning. Here is my first go at it- and I absolutely LOVE it. It came out beautiful for my first try. I had gone to a bead store and picked out stones that connected with me. I loved the process from beginning to end! I plan on making a few more, as I would love to make some for friends and maybe sell some too. Years ago I made necklaces and sold them, so this seems like the perfect next step on this path. 

So what does my morning routine look like? It consists of a 10 min bootcamp video, a 10 min yoga video (as part of a 90 day challenge I'm participating in!) and then I sit with my mala and just chill. 

Zephyr is usually sitting on the couch watching his cartoons, but more often then not, he makes his way over to me, to correct my form (!!), do some yoga with me, or just sit in my lap while I meditate. Sometimes he talks to me, plays with his toys, climbs on me- but its all part of it! I do what I need to do to bring focus, peace and joy to my day. It has been working. I feel happier, more focused and so much more ready to start my day. 

I weave in my mantra at the beginning and end, while counting the malas in between. I go through the mala twice which is about 15 min. Sometimes I listen to music, sometimes not. I'm still looking for music I like in the background - I've found a few Krishna Das songs that work for me.

I'll say to myself- "I am patient, I am kind, I am thoughtful, I am peaceful, etc." (whatever comes to mind that morningand it resonates with me all day long as I deal with 3 yr old tantrums over everything and nothing, balancing my teaching and all the projects I want to complete, and especially my relationship with my husband Chris. Even the best marriages take patience & thoughtfulness - 2 things I need to work on and this is a perfect reminder to myself. Not only am I trying to be patient with others, but most importantly, with myself as well! 

Do you meditate? Or struggle as well? I'd love to hear what works for you! Join me on this path if it's something you are interested in. We can do this together!


  1. I tried to meditate before getting out of bed this morning, but halfway through my mantra I felt a tap on my shoulder as someone reminded me it was time to get up and start getting ready! I have been trying to work this practice into my routine, but I need to find the right time and place :)

  2. Kasey - its such a challenge with the kiddos. I find Zephyr on my lap or crawling all over me half the time. Getting up earlier is one of my main goals in making this work without rushing!!
