
Love is All We Need

I have mixed feelings about a holiday like Valentine's Day. All the schools do projects and the kids exchange cards and it always seems to be quite a big deal. 

I am choosing to use the opportunity to get the kids to think about how we can make every day a Valentine's Day. Why do we need one day to tell the people in our lives how we feel about them? Can we tell those we love, that we love them, every day? 

Learning to express our emotions and share how we feel with those around us is a gift. It is something we need to focus more on in our daily lives, and not just one specific day of the year. I like the idea though that Valentine's day is a reminder and a good time to make ourselves and those around us feel good.

We did the warrior 2 pose and gave our hearts a little rub. We took some extra love that we had in there and then threw it up into the air for those in the world who could use a little extra. 
The open heart partner pose is a wonderful heart opening stretch. This pose requires trust and feels so great!

We did another partner pose called partner breath. This one always gets us to connect with our friends in a really deep and powerful way.

We ended the class with a little heart mudra.  My favorite part of the class was relaxation. I guided the kids through a meditation in which we imagined a light in our heart, that spread down to our toes, up our legs and made its way all the way up to our head. This light helps to keep us calm, relaxed and happy. 

We each have a little light that shines in us. The light inside me, sees the light inside you. Namaste!

1 comment:

  1. Lani, I found this blog through your elm city mama blog. I have 2 littles and was pregnant with my youngest when you were pregnant with Silas. I have since read that blog hoping for your rainbow baby. Thank you for this blog it has helped me teach my daughter and son some yoga which we do every morning and had given me ideas how to incorporate it when we are all going crazy or having"moments". Just seeing them "wag their tails" in downward dog is enough to lift my spirit and be a better mom. Best of luck to you during this time, even though we are strangers my heart wishes for you to have a little one to hold on to. Namaste
