

All this snow here in CT has definitely affected my teaching. Lots of school cancellations have caused lots of yoga classes to be canceled. 

After spending an hour shoveling out our cars this morning, I was wiped. But my friend Dana wanted to take her 2 girls for a walk in the park to see the snowman building contest. I figured it would be good for me, since both our husbands had to work and we had been holed up in our apartments for what seems like days now!

So we trudged along to the park, in and out of the snow and enjoying the beauty of our surroundings. As much of a pain this snow has been, it really is so beautiful in the trees and piled up in the park. Once its been hanging around, taking up parking spaces and getting dirty, I'm ready for it to disappear. But today, fresh, clean and white, we took advantage of it!
            Ruby and I got the idea of doing some sno-ga!   

              Here we are showing off our snowy dancers
and our snowflake pose

and then we trudged back to my apartment to enjoy some warm Moroccan lentil stew.

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