
Full of Joy Baby!

Yes, its true, I'm now 12 weeks pregnant and couldn't be happier. Watching my body change these last 3 months has been a pretty incredible experience. (Though not looking pregnant but just that I've gained weight is definitely something I'm struggling with). I've also been feeling the typical first trimester experiences like nausea, fatigue and having to go to the bathroom at least twice an hour. Its truly not easy to stay healthy when half of the food you really need to be eating makes you say "yeeuchhh" and turn away. At any given moment, something I ate just yesterday may just not sound appealing today. My husband finds it amusing and has pretty much been catering to my every need. He loves seeing me rest on the couch every night watching endless reruns of CSI. I just feel lazy and unmotivated but he assures me that its necessary for me and for the baby that I just relax when I need to. I know that in 6 months our lives are going to be turned upside down and sleep (like that 10 hours I got last night) will be a thing of the past.

I am finally teaching a pretty full schedule, and with that, comes the sudden bouts of hunger or tiredness. I know that doing yoga all day with kids is pretty much the best thing I can do for us. It takes my mind off of the nausea and really does give me more energy then what I started with. I am finding that laying on my belly is starting to get uncomfortable so somehow I'm going to have to get creative with cobra, basket and all those other animals that we do on our bellies. I look forward to this challenge! I can't wait for a real baby bump!

After all these years of teaching everyone else's children, I will finally be able to put it all to good use with my own. I promise to keep you updated a little better then before - now that I'm in my 2nd trimester, I'm magically hoping that I suddenly can eat something other then just bread and cheese and that I'll get my motivation back.

On a side note, I will be doing a teacher training in April and then off to SF again for another one in June. Check my website for more info!

1 comment:

  1. Lani!! How wonderful, congratulations! What a lucky baby. :)

    - Katy (from Lotuspad)
