
a year of optimism

My first post of the new year. 2007 was a tough one for my husband and I- between deciding to move, then preparing to move, then actually moving, then moving in, its been an exhausting year. We are very hopeful and optimistic that 2008 will be a really great year for us.

It has started with the news that my mother-in-law, who already has MS, was just diagnosed with breast cancer. It just doesn't seem fair. We are showering her with good vibes on a daily basis and with that, just have to have some faith that it will bring a positive outcome. But I am still going to be optimistic about what this year will bring for us. Lately its been hard to find that optimism that I used to dole out so readily at any given moment. I've lost it a bit and need to find it again.

I've begun teaching yoga to kids, finally! I have started teaching in a few preschools and today was the first day at Stay and Play. I love my job and what I do- I am blessed to have found that because I know that not everyone feels that way about what they do in life. I am heading to SF this weekend for the SF Yoga Journal Conference where I'll be doing what I do best for over 70 kids and their families. I am so excited! I love being immersed in yoga and like-minded people for a weekend. It is intense but something I look forward to and crave every year. The following weekend will be another Teacher Training with Rosey and me. We have a few more spots so we'd love for you to join us!

I miss my City by the Bay dearly. I wish my husband could join me, but he has to work and take care of our cats and basically hold down the fort while I'm gone. I'll miss him incredibly for those 11 days- but sometimes trips like this are just necessary.

So off I go- hope to see some of you at the conference!
happy new year,

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