
Spooky Haunted House Yoga

This is one of my absolute favorite classes to teach. I hear from kids throughout the year -

"Can we go to the spooky haunted house today?"

I laugh because I do this class for Halloween and not again throughout the year. I could do it but I think saving it for this month makes it more special. I teach this class to mostly 3-5 yr olds so this is geared towards that age group. It can definitely be done with K-3 as well! Those kids LOVE the scariness and get really into it. I make it way less spooky for 3 yr olds, but take it up a notch as they get older. 

Spooky Haunted House Yoga Sequence:

1) We put on our imaginary costumes. The kids can put on what they will actually wear, or what they would want to wear. I make a point to tell them that they get to put it on themselves without the help of any grownups! 

2) We hike up to the spooky haunted house that is way up on top of the hill. "Do you see it up there?"

3) Warrior 2 pose - We pull the creaky squeaky door open, but wait! there is another door! Switch sides and open it again. 

4) Spider pose - There are so many cobwebs! Brush them away so you can see what else is inside. Who is sitting on the webs? Spiders of course! 

These spiders spin their webs, catch their mosquitos and flies and then eat them for dinner (or suck the blood!)

5) What else do you see? We see ghosts, skeletens, zombies and vampires. The kids definitely have fun with each of these scary creatures. I let them tell me what they see and how to move. 

6) Cobra Snake - Oh no! What's crawling on the floor in here? Snakes! We do baby snake, king & queen snake and then tap our toes for rattlesnake. 

7) Bat Pose - There are some creatures flying around in here, hanging from the rafters! It's bats! hang upside down, and then fly around finding food. 

8) Cat Pose - There is a creature running around looking for it's owner, it says "meow!". It's a black cat! Arch your back like this halloween cat. Can we find it's owner? Who is it? 

9) Witch Pose - It's a witch! This witch makes a spooky gruel. First we make our witches hat with our arms, then we sit in Butterfly Pose and add all the creepiest, crawliest, scariest ingredients into our gruel. Then stir the pot. We turn our bodies into Table pose to eat our gruel. Yuck! Let's give some to the witch, ghosts, vampires and zombies! 

10) Warrior 2 Pose - It's time to leave the spooky house. Let's open that creaky squeaky door again. Make sure you do both sides! We have 2 doors to open. 

11) Spooky Tree Pose - I see some spooky trees! Let's use the pumpkin to help us focus. I want to see who can make the spookiest tree branches with your arms! 

12) Owl Pose - Whooooo is sitting on your branch? an owl of course! Squat down, open your eyes wide and "hooooooo!" then fly. 

13) Roly Pumpkin - Squeeze your body so small and round like a pumpkin. Then do your roly polys. 

14) Candle Pose - Stick a candle into your pumpkin to make a jack-o-lantern! Count backwards from ten. 

14) Relaxation - Time to relax in the pumpkin patch. 

Some more ideas for Halloween yoga are on the Kids Yoga Stories Blog. Next Generation Yoga also has a great lesson plan. Here is a cute article about Zombie yoga. Do you have any good Halloween Yoga ideas? 

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