
Fall Yoga

As the weather goes from hot to just gorgeous, we know fall is coming. The air is cooler at night and in the morning which means we have to add another layer of clothes. The days are full of bright blue skies, a warm sun and loads of leaves and acorns on the ground. 

At my apt, we have spent the last week or so watching the squirrels as they scurry around collecting acorns, dropping them all over the cars and the street, and snatching the heads off of our sunflowers. They have been so busy preparing for winter. 

It's so much fun to do yoga with kids this time of year. Every preschool & early elementary teacher teaches the signs of fall to their kiddos, so as a yoga teacher, it just reinforces what they are already learning. I love asking the kids what new season we are in. In unison, they yell "FALL!" When I ask what they notice about the weather, or trees, they love to share what they have noticed and what they have learned. 

Walking around the neighborhood with my 3 1/2 yr old has been so much fun. He points out the few leaves that are starting to turn colors, the smashed acorns everywhere, the leaves that have already fallen. This is the Northeast in the fall and its wonderful. The signs are everywhere. I spent time living in Miami and San Francisco where the signs are not so in your face. Living here, it makes teaching seasons to the kids so magical because they can experience it for themselves. 

Here is my Fall Yoga Sequence:

1. Sun Warmup: We always start with our suns. It feels great to warm up our body parts with the sunshine. 

2) Crescent Moon: The days are getting shorter and we notice its dark much earlier now. Stretch your body over to one side while pressing both feet to the earth. Notice where you feel the stretch! Repeat on the other side. 

3) Tree Pose - This picture of the trees are clearly not happening in fall, but I love the idea of tree pose next to a real tree! When we do our fall trees, we all think about what color our leaves are. We can imagine all the animals who are living in our tree, getting ready for winter (squirrels, birds). 

4) Squirrel pose: Start in a squat and quickly run up to the top of your tree. Stretch and grab acorns and put them in your mouth. But don't swallow! These squirrels are going to quickly scurry down the tree to bury their acorns to save them for fall. Repeat. 

5) Apple Tree Pose: Maybe our trees even have fall fruit hanging from them? (apples, pears) Imagine what your tree looks like with fruit. Think about all the kids coming to your tree to pick and enjoy your fruit. 

6)Owl pose: Squat down with arms behind back as if wings and open your eyes wide. Look around with a "hooooooo, hooooo" and then let your owl fly around. 

7) Eagle Pose: Birds are starting to fly south! Imagine you are a bird  (or other bird poses) and wrap your body up tight with your legs while giving yourself a hug. Fly like the birds do around the room. Repeat by crossing legs and arms on the other side. 

8) Basket: Our baskets hold all the apples and pears. How many to you have in your basket?

9) Child's Pose: We imagine our bodies are in the shape of an apple. We can also bring our arms out with hands touching for the stem. 

10) Butterfly Pose- We fly like the monarchs as they migrate to Mexico. 

There are so many ideas for fall yoga. Check out the Kids Yoga Stories page for links to many more ideas. I'd love to hear yours! Feel free to share with us. 

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