
Rainbow Yoga!

This month my theme is Rainbow yoga. I love when I start a themed class at the beginning of a month and see how it evolves with all my classes. This sequence works great for a 20 or 30 min preschool class. 

1) Breathing ball! I always love to start with the breathing ball- especially because it's rainbow colored.

2) Paint a rainbow - Glue your bottom to the mat. Raise one arm out to the side and reach it up over your head to paint a color of the rainbow over your head. Go back and forth from side to side. Let the kids call out the colors of course!

Bringing arms behind you, hands on the floor, opening your heart, look up at your beautiful rainbow!

3) Roly poly to your feet. What do we need in the sky to happen to make a rainbow? the sun and the rain of course! 

4) Sun warm up. We touch all our body parts to warm them up. We do our powerful sun breath bringing our sun to our belly with a big sound of "HOT!"

5) Bringing arms up and over our heads, we make a big rain cloud and sway side to side. Reach fingers up and bring down to the floor with the sound of rain - shhhhhh shhhhhh shhhhhh. We do this 3x. 

5) Partner rainbow! Hold your partners hand, the reach up and over your head to touch fingers and make a rainbow! Switch sides. 

6) We come down to the floor to do our own rainbow pose. We modify it by putting our knee on the floor. Side plank is the full pose as a challenge!

7) What do we find at the end of our rainbow? a pot of gold of course! Our pot of gold - or basket pose - is all the things in our life we feel lucky we have, the things we love. I always fill mine with Zephyr, my family, my kitties and avocados! 

8) One more rainbow pose - is downward dog. I think this one really looks most like a rainbow! 
9) We end the class with the End of the Rainbow relaxation story from the book Imaginations 2: Relaxation Stories and Guided Imagery FOR KIDS by Carolyn Clarke. 
Additional fun with Rainbows:
 Read the book A Promise in Every Color by Julie Sutton or 
Jungle Colors by Julie Fletcher
 Play the song Colors by Kira Willey.

I hope you have fun with this sequence! Let me know how it goes and please share any other ideas you have for rainbow yoga! 

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