
Warm up the Winter with Sun Salutations

Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) are a great way to warm yourself up as it gets colder out.This is a great one to do with kids! 

I love to start with a paper sun and warm up our body parts before we begin.

1. Start in mountain with hands at your heart in Namaste

   2. Reach arms up overhead with a big deep breath

3. Exhale and bend forward to touch your toes 
4. Place hands on the floor and step back into your downward dog (don't forget to wag your tail!) 

5. Lower just your bottom and hold in plank pose
 6. Bring your body to the floor and push up into cobra snake (hisssssss)

7. Push back up into plank
8. Stick your tail back up in the air for your downward dog
9. Jump your feet to your hands
10. Reach arms up overhead with a big inhale
11. Exhale your hands back to your heart

We ended our class in a group sun pose!

Are you warmed up yet? Feel free to add other poses to this vinyasa (flow with breath)

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