
Reflecting on a Passing Year

As the year ends, it's nice to take the time to think about all the good things that happened - we tend to focus on the challenges and hard times. So here it is, my top awesome memories of 2010-

1) Traveling out west for a month which included:
~  my sister's wedding in Beaver Creek, Colorado
~ good friend's wedding in Sonoma, CA
~ my sister's bachelorette party in Las Vegas
~ road trip through the desert & LA with my sister-in-law

2) Losing our cat Bandha was sad, very sad. But we then rescued a cat we named Beans who was super sweet and loved our new home. Then we lost him as well and now have our 2 new sweet kittens Purrsephone & Puck who add a whole lot of fun to our life. 

3) The year began with my trip to San Franciso and getting to participate in the SF Yoga Journal Conference on a scholarship. That was amazing.

4) Watching my yoga kids grow and develop into amazing little yogis. I enjoy what I do so much and seeing the same kids week after week, month after month gives me such pleasure. 

5) My amazing garden which provided me with a bounty of healthy, organic, homegrown veggies and loads of fulfillment. 

6) The birth of my niece Noa Seda Gallagher on my birthday!

7) Getting to ring in the new year at MSG seeing our favorite band Phish with my awesome husband Chris & over 50 of our closest friends!

I know there were many more memories but these were some of the highlights. It felt nice to take the time to reflect on the good even though we are faced with many, many challenges as well. 

Wishing you all love & light in the New Year

1 comment:

  1. Our Cali trip together was one of my year's highlights too! Happy almost-2011!
