
A Busy Summer

I am a really bad blogger over here. So much going on with me and FOJY I should be bragging about it all over the place!

I decided that teaching yoga at farmer's markets is the next new thing. I have already done it once at the Spring Glen Market in Hamden, CT and will again on Aug 18 from 4-5pm. I taught today at the Coventry Farmer's Market in Coventry, CT and will again on Sept 6. I will also be teaching at the Simsbury Market in Simsbury, CT on Aug 27 at 2:30pm. You can see my full schedule here.

This summer was supposed to be quiet with all of my after-school classes on hiatus but I somehow managed to keep myself really busy. I did a few teacher trainings and just scheduled a few more for the fall.

I really want to focus on training teachers to use yoga in the classroom. What amazing tools for kids to use to stay focused and calm and also have fun. I really see this as preventative medicine - this would solve the health care issue for the future! Obama, are you listening?


  1. I agree that doing yoga is preventative medicine and that if everyone practiced we would have no health care issues in this country, or the world. I know that will never happen because people are too closed minded and lazy to practice yoga regularly. It's unfortunate that people are so out of tune with nature and their own spirits. Maybe in time consciousness can be lifted for all...hopefully.

  2. I hear you LOUD and clear! :)
    How much do teacher trainings cost? I couldn't agree with you more. The kiddos need this.

    Addie, PreK in the Bay Area, California

    e-mail me with updates on trainings, please :)
