
Moving on

For those of you who are keeping up with my life- I did give birth to a beautiful baby boy that we named Silas Orion Gallagher. Unfortunately, due to complications during his birth, he passed away 10 hours after he was born on Sept 25, 2008. We are so sad and devastated but are somehow getting through this with the support of loved ones.

Both Chris and I are writing on his blog Elm City Dad to help us get through this.

I also just started teaching again- the kids have been so sweet and are bringing that light back into my life. I do this for a reason and being able to get back to work that brings me such joy has been necessary.

thanks for your support


  1. lani i just wanted to say how beautiful you looked carrying silas. you will get your shine back. you will xo

  2. Hi Lani,

    So sorry to hear about the loss of Silas. thinking of you both.
