
Pack it up

Wow, so much is going on at the moment. Rosey and I had a very successful second teacher training, my new teachers are observing and teaching in my schools, and I'm packing up and moving across the country in 3 weeks. Expanding my business has been a challenging yet extremely rewarding endeavor. I have some great teachers taking my place in my schools and I feel confident knowing that they will be there to continue what I've started when I leave. I have a new city to conquer and introduce to this wonderful world of yoga with kids. As much as I'm excited to move on and meet all these new little ones, I will miss my kids terribly - I have gotten very attached! These schools that I have been teaching in for the last 3 years have all been equally as amazing to me. So thank you all - the schools, kids, parents and teachers for an amazing 3 years! Full of Joy Yoga will continue to be here for you and your kids for years to come. Until the next time...

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